In what may be the worst series of attacks by the liberal media on Ted Cruz, Monday’s Nightly Show on Comedy Central featured host Larry Wilmore declaring that the “creepy” Cruz may be mentally disturbed with guest Aida Rodriguez firmly asserting that, if elected, Cruz’s agenda would be to “do everything the KKK does.”
During the panel segment, Rodriguez began building to her obscene comparison by first attacking Cruz’s Christian faith by trying to joke that Christians who believe in the Second Amendment must also believe that people can shoot one another to death and merely “ask for forgiveness, and [then] go about their business.”
Frequent panelist Mike Yard piled on by adding that Cruz supporters are “the people who say shit like if Jesus had a gun, the crucifixion would have went differently.”
Wilmore then opined that along with being against abortion and global warming but for traditional marriage, repealing of ObamaCare, guns, and abolishing the IRS, Cruz would be more likely than Donald Trump “to follow through on” Trump’s proposals because “[h]e’s not kidding around.”
The far-left comedian in Rodriguez then drew gasps (followed by applause) from the audience when she lumped Cruz in with the Ku Klux Klan: “He's going to do everything the KKK does. That is his agenda. He falls in line with the KKK. Every single fucking thing that they do, he’s doing to do. Absolutely. He’s — and no global warming? Come on, son, really?”
Earlier in the program, Wilmore crudely suggested that Cruz’s denial of climate change was similar to a husband cheating on his wife with a babysitter where “in the middle of having sex, you whisper to her, ‘monogamy is very important to me.’”
Introducing the audio clip of Cruz telling a private audience about his strategy to “bear hug...and smother” Trump and Ben Carson “with love” so he can eventually inherit their supporters, Wilmore floated the idea that Cruz is mentally incompetent: “Something's just off about this guy, though. Even behind the scenes.”
Wilmore also played video of Cruz shooting a machine gun with bacon wrapped inside before eating it to which the liberal late-night host denounced the “creepy” presidential candidate and questioned his manhood: “Wow. Do you know how small your dick has to be to do something like that? I don't know, guys. I mean, I don't know. He's just creepy. You know, it's his whole vibe, right?”
For a sampling of other attacks by the liberal media against the Texas conservative, my colleague Geoffrey Dickens complied some of their worst attacks in the lead-up to the announcement of his presidential campaign on March 23.
The relevant portions of the transcript from Comedy Central’s The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore on December 14 can be found below.
Comedy Central’s The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore
December 14, 2015
11:37 p.m. Eastern
LARRY WILLMORE: And you can't say, “facts and evidence matters” in your climate denial speech. That's like having an affair with the babysitter and in the middle of having sex, you whisper to her, “monogamy is very important to me.” Something's just off about this guy, though. Even behind the scenes. I mean, listen to his strategy for daily with Trump and Carson's attacks.
REPUBLICAN SENATOR TED CRUZ (Tex.): So, my approach, much to the frustration of the media, has been to bear hug both of them and smother them with love.
WILMORE: Hmm. Smother them with love? Are you talking about affection or murder? [PRETENDING TO BE CRUZ] My approach has been to strangle them with respect, and then mutilate their corpses with goodwill and yeah, then of course stab them in the heart the way Jesus would have done, there. Something's just awkward about him. Like when he tries to be relatable, and use humor, it comes off like this.
CRUZ: Of course, in Texas we cook bacon a little differently than most folks. [SHOOTS GUN] Mmm, machine gun bacon.
WILMORE: Wow. Do you know how small your dick has to be to do something like that? I don't know, guys. I mean, I don't know. He's just creepy. You know, it's his whole vibe, right?
11:53 p.m. Eastern
WILMORE: Do you think it's like the Second Amendment people, because he's about guns, guns, or is it the Jesus people.
AIDA RODRIGUEZ: It's about somebody who wants to shoot somebody, kill them, ask for forgiveness, and go about their business the next day that are all —
WILMORE: Gun-totting Messiah.
NIGHTLY SHOW CONTRIBUTOR MIKE YARD: I think people supporting Ted Cruz are the people who say shit like if Jesus had a gun, the crucifixion would have went differently.
RODRIGUEZ: Yes, yes.
WILMORE: It's true, I know, exactly. Can you imagine that? But then there wouldn't be a religion.
YARD: There would be no religion.
WILMORE: Yes. It’s like, no, guys, he’s supposed to —
RODRIGUEZ: And we'd be free. What would Jesus do?
WILMORE: Cruz is against abortion, of course, cause, you know, same-sex marriage. He's definitely against that. He wants to repeal ObamaCare, allow him to do that, wants to away with the IRS. He doesn't believe in global warming, loves guns. Now, a lot of people think Trump is all bluster, blah, blah, blah, but Cruz — to me, I believe he will try to follow through on all of these things. He’s not kidding around.
RODRIGUEZ: He's going to do everything the KKK does. That is his agenda. He falls in line with the KKK. Every single fucking thing that they do, he’s doing to do. Absolutely. He’s — and no global warming? Come on, son, really?
WILMORE: I don't know if the KKK seems interested in climate change. I think —
RODRIGUEZ: They don't know what climate change is, but if black people like it, they hate it.