Rallying to the aid of fellow 2016 Democratic presidential opponent Hillary Clinton during the first debate Tuesday night, Democratic socialist Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) angrily lamented the focus on Clinton’s e-mail scandal and berated the media for covering Clinton’s “damn e-mails.”
After Clinton wiggled her way out moderator Anderson Cooper’s questions about her growing e-mail scandal, Sanders rushed to give his two cents by giving his chief rival a boost despite his admission that it “may not be great politics.”
Sanders then lashed out before Clinton responded with her deep thanks: “I think the secretary is right and that is that the American people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn e-mails.”
With the friendly crowd applauding loudly, Sanders told Cooper that he had a message for “the media as well” by claiming that voters aren’t concerned about Clinton’s conduct with her private e-mail server (along with an attack on the Citizens United Supreme Court decision):
You know, the middle class, Anderson, and let me say something about the media as well. I go around the country, talk to a whole lot of people. Middle class in this country is collapsing. We have 27 million people living in poverty. We have massive wealth and inequality. Our trade policies have cost us millions of decent jobs. The American people want to know whether we're going to have a democracy or an oligarchy as a result of Citizens United. Enough of the e-mails. Let's talk about the real issues facing America.
The relevant portion of the transcript from the CNN Democratic Presidential Debate on October 13 can be found below.
CNN Democratic Presidential Debate
October 13, 2015
9:48 p.m. Eastern
INDEPENDENT SENATOR BERNIE SANDERS (Vt.): Let me say this. Let me say – let me say something that may not be great politics, but I think the secretary is right and that is that the American people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn e-mails.
SANDERS: You know, the middle class, Anderson, and let me say something about the media as well. I go around the country, talk to a whole lot of people. Middle class in this country is collapsing. We have 27 million people living in poverty. We have massive wealth and inequality. Our trade policies have cost us millions of decent jobs. The American people want to know whether we're going to have a democracy or an oligarchy as a result of Citizens United. Enough of the e-mails. Let's talk about the real issues facing America. [AUDIENCE ROARS AND APPLAUDS]
CLINTON: Thank you, Bernie. Thank you. [LAUGHS]