Fox News Channel (FNC) host Bill O’Reilly slammed the liberal media at the top of Wednesday’s O’Reilly Factor for not having exposed the “the disastrous foreign policy of the Obama administration” in a pattern of behavior that he proclaimed as “simply stunning.”
O’Reilly kicked off his four-minute-plus opening commentary by highlighting results of a recent national poll on the Iran deal that found only 21 percent of Americans in support of it, which he then concluded that shows “the folks have turned against President Obama's deal with the mullahs.”
As for a reason that the court of public opinion stands against the nuclear agreement with the terrorist nation, O’Reilly ruled that it’s because “there is nothing in it for the USA, outside of avoiding a possible war down the road.”
Following soundbites from 2016 Republican presidential candidates Donald Trump and Ted Cruz at a rally against the deal and Hillary Clinton giving a speech in support of the deal, O’Reilly admitted that the deal will go through as well as the belief that the Middle East has been heavily damaged:
The whole fiasco shines a spotlight, though, on President Obama's foreign policy, which is a disaster. As you know, millions of refugees are fleeing the Middle East and Africa, going to Europe asking for asylum. There’s no way to stop this mass migration, which will change the European continent dramatically. Most of these people are Muslims who are simply trying to survive.
Further elaborating on why so many Muslims are fleeing their native countries, O’Reillly cited the rise of ISIS and the withdrawal of American troops from Iraq and how “[t]he President has never, never acknowledged that his policy of disengagement has led to thousands of people being murdered and the catastrophe we are now seeing in Europe.”
Next, the “No-Spin Zone” host turned to his criticism of the liberal media for not doing more to put forth more frank assessments of the region (before quickly giving viewers with a reason why he thinks that’s the case):
It is simply stunning that the American press has said so little about the disastrous foreign policy of the Obama administration. The reason for the silence is that the liberal press despise the Iraq War so much, it is simply not going to accurately assess the results of Mr. Obama's timid approach, so now we have one of the biggest mass migrations in the history of the world, which is overwhelming and will allow terrorists entry into almost every western country.
The relevant portions of the transcript from FNC’s The O’Reilly Factor on September 9 can be found below.
FNC’s The O’Reilly Factor
September 9, 2015
8:01 p.m. Eastern
BILL O’REILLY: The nation turns against the Iranian nuke deal, that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. New poll released yesterday asks a very simple question: Do you approve or disapprove of a nuclear agreement between Iran, the USA and other nations? Just 21 percent of Americans approve, 49 percent disprove, 30 percent don't know anything. So, the folks have turned against President Obama's deal with the mullahs. The reason is there is nothing in it for the USA, outside of avoiding a possible war down the road. Now, that's a big thing, but the consensus is Iran won. Today in Washington, thousands of people turned out to hear politicians opposed to the deal.
O’REILLY: Indeed, the top mullah said again today Israel must be destroyed and America remains the “Great Satan.” On the other side, Hillary Clinton supports the deal.
O’REILLY: Mrs. Clinton pledges that if she is elected president, she will use military force to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon' if they break the deal. Despite overwhelming opposition, the nuke agreement will go through. It will go through. The whole fiasco shines a spotlight, though, on President Obama's foreign policy, which is a disaster. As you know, millions of refugees are fleeing the Middle East and Africa, going to Europe asking for asylum. There’s no way to stop this mass migration, which will change the European continent dramatically. Most of these people are Muslims who are simply trying to survive. The world was stunned when a picture of a three-year-old Syrian boy was published. He drowned in the Mediterranean Sea as family tried to reach the Greek island of Chios. The boy’s mother and five-year-old brother also drowned. Now, this is happening because the USA and western Europe retreated from the Middle East. Once President Obama removed all American forces from Iraq, ISIS moved in and chaos broke out. The President has never, never acknowledged that his policy of disengagement has led to thousands of people being murdered and the catastrophe we are now seeing in Europe. It is simply stunning that the American press has said so little about the disastrous foreign policy of the Obama administration. The reason for the silence is that the liberal press despise the Iraq War so much, it is simply not going to accurately assess the results of Mr. Obama's timid approach., so now we have one of the biggest mass migrations in the history of the world, which is overwhelming and will allow terrorists entry into almost every western country....Summing up the jihad on the march, the Obama administration and other western powers have no idea how to deal with it and the world is suffering drastic consequences. And that's the memo.