Taiwanese Animators: Is Ahmed the Clock Boy Master Inventor or Master Troll?

October 24th, 2015 2:50 PM

So is the infamous Ahmed Mohammed aka "Clock Boy" some sort of genius inventor or merely being used as a troll by his opportunistic father? The Taiwanese Animators consider that question and pretty much give us the answer as you can see in the video below.

Ahmed Mohammed is passing on an offer from MIT for a scholarship from the Qatar Foundation's Young Innovators program.

By now, you've surely heard about the 14-year-old who was arrested last month in Irving, Texas for bringing his "homemade" clock to school. His sister tweeted a picture of her brother getting arrested. Social media was quick to take a dump on school administrators and arresting officers. President Barack Obama even invited him to the White House.

Let's breakdown Ahmed's "invention." First off, if he invented it, why rely on AC power when he could have used a battery? Everything else from the circuit boards and ribbon cables to the battery backup and snooze button suggest it was nothing more than a commercial clock in a pencil case.

If you want specifics, it was a 1986 Micronta 63-765 digital alarm clock that sells for about $15 bucks on Ebay. We'll give the 14-year-old props for being a tinkerer, but Ahmed didn't invent squat.

He then trolled his teacher by setting the alarm to go off in the middle of class. His English teacher said, "It looks like a bomb," and she wasn't that far off.

Did administrators and police overreact to the situation? Yeah, but so did Mark Zuckerberg, President Obama and everyone else who offered their vacuous support for the boy.

Ahmed Mohamed was even named "Muslim of the Year" by the Council on American–Islamic Relations. "Clock Boy," along with his politically ambitious dad, kicked it with Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir, a wanted war criminal.

Genius inventor? Nah, this kid is a master troll in training.

Here are a few of the interesting observations about this video from YouTube commentators:

When Taiwanese animated news is more investigative than the domestic news.

Anyone who didn't catch on almost instantly after all of the real background facts of this case came out, that this was nothing more than a deliberately hatched hoax by this kid's family and their cohorts to make the U.S. look "Islamaphobic", "xenophobic", "anti-immigrant" and all of the other bullshit that goes with it, is a complete and utter idiot. Nobody needs to look any further than to witness the photo of this kid with the Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir. You remember him...oh yeah, the guy wanted by the international community who's been charged with war crimes for committing genocide against upwards of 400,000 his own country's people in Darfur in the Sudan. As was alluded to in the video, the kid's father supposedly "ran against" his kid's photo-op hero, but how exactly does one "run against someone" in a place which has no elections, because the place is a dictatorship? And now, because the family supposedly "loves freedom" so much, they're moving to Qatar, yet another Islamic dictatorship. This punk's family are at the very least nothing more than a bunch of Muslim extremist sympathizers, and the kid absolutely is being trained to someday take over the "family business".

Maybe if they move to Qatar they'll scuttle any plans for a frivolous lawsuit against the Irving police or his school. He pulled out a circuit board of some sort on GMA acting like he "invented" that too. American PC liberals really stood by him when it became obvious to anyone who could think rationally he was pulling off a scam for political, religious or litigious reasons, probably at the behest of his creep father.

Exit question: What is the Chinese word for "squat?"