Peter King: New York Times Smearing of Police Helps Inspire Lone Wolf Jihadists

October 24th, 2014 9:37 AM

Asked to comment on the recent ax attack in NYC by an apparent lone wolf jihadist that left a rookie cop critically injured, Republican congressman Peter King had some very tough words for the New York Times.

Appearing on today's Morning Joe, King condemned the Times for having "smeared" the police and spread the feeling that "the police are an occupying force, that they're profiling Muslims, they're going after Muslims." According to King, deranged lone wolves like the ax attacker are prone to respond and be inspired by such talk.

PETER KING: There are going to be coordinated attacks, and there are going to be actual conspiracy attacks. This one, I believe, is a person that was deranged but was inspired by what he hears. Similar to what we saw in Oklahoma [where a Muslim convert beheaded a fellow worker]. I think we have to take it into account. People have to be careful of what they say. Not just ISIS. They're going to continue to say this to provoke this type of reaction. But in New York, when you have a person like this, who does feel aggrieved, who does feel isolated. And then he hears people in the media, and I'm talking about the New York Times, and others, somehow spread this feeling that the police are an occupying force, that they're going after Muslims, they're profiling Muslims. A person like who this who is deranged, he sees that, he sees that type of talk, he sees ISIS calling for attacks against police, and he responds. Again, I have -- again, a very strong support for the NYPD. What they've done, stopping 17, 18 attacks against New York. Despite the fact, the way they're smeared by groups like the New York Times. I really give them tremendous credit.