Univision to Viewers: Go Meatless

September 30th, 2019 4:28 PM

Univision’s Sunday political affairs show Al Punto has officially joined the media’s hectoring of its viewers on matters of climate change, albeit, this time, on an issue that is of particular sensitivity within the Hispanic community.

Watch as fill-in host Felix de Bedout and Univision’s chief meteorologist Alberto Martínez discuss how best to save the planet, via the outright elimination of meat from the Hispanic diet:




ALBERTO MARTÍNEZ, CHIEF METEOROLOGIST, UNIVISION: That’s it. For example, other things...like meat.

DE BEDOUT: This is a very controversial subject.

MARTÍNEZ: Exactly. For example, I no longer eat meat. I haven’t eaten meat for the past three years. But, what can we do? We can eat less meat.

DE BEDOUT: But people say, “Why are you going to force me to stop eating meat?” 

MARTÍNEZ: Uh, no, We aren’t forcing (anyone) to quit eating meat; we’re saying that it would be better to eat less meat. Because, for example, having those cows graze, grow, and produce the meat that one eats in that steak, what happens? We need a lot of water, a lot of nourishment, they have to eat a great deal of grasses, and then there is the transportation of that meat. So by reducing its consumption, instead of eating red meat twice a week, to once a month, by reducing that, you can keep eating meat but will have less of an effect on the greenhouse effect.

DE BEDOUT: Albert, thank you very much, We always learn a great deal.

MARTÍNEZ: A pleasure, like always.

De Bedout deserves credit for at least recognizing that merely suggesting that Hispanics go meatless in the name of “climate justice” is something that will draw major pushback within the community. However, the segment reflects Univision’s continued shift to the far left, especially on climate change. 

Whether it’s the suggestion of going meatless or the Green New Deal, Univision --- and especially Al Punto --- continues to posit these radical policy suggestions without any substantive discussion as to how to these things will be made to happen, or of their effects within the community.

Suggesting that Latinos forego beef and make do with tofu tacos is just climate totalitarianism, and further evidence that Univision is completely out of touch with the community it claims to represent.