Chris Matthews 'I May Not Go That Far' to Call 'Caitlyn' Jenner 'Stunning,' 'Beautiful'

June 1st, 2015 9:11 PM

Wrapping up a gushy panel segment hailing Bruce Jenner's transition to "Caitlyn," a transgendered woman, MSNBC anchor Chris Matthews hailed the importance of being "good about these things" and affirming the life choices made by persons like Bruce Jenner with gender identification issues, because, well, "learning is the best part of life."

At that, guests Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post and Democratic strategist Jennice Fuentes hailed Jenner as "beautiful" and "stunning" respectively. Matthews made sure to toss back, "I may not go that far" but quickly added, "but I do appreciate your taste." 

Here's the relevant transcript: 

June 1, 2015
7:53 p.m.

DAVID CORN: So seeing Caitlyn Jenner out there, Laverne Cox, it's really quite, I think, inspiring to see their courage.

CHRIS MATTHEWS: You know what Gandhi used to say? First the ignore you. Then they laugh at you. And then they attack you. And then you win. It's so true of life. Thank you, David Corn. And we're going to be good about these things. 

CORN: Of course we are!

MATTHEWS: We're going to learn, because learning is the best part of life.

JENNICE FUENTES: She looks beautiful, doesn't she? 

MATTHEWS: Jennice, thank you.

EUGENE ROBINSON: That's a stunning photo.

MATTHEWS: I may not go that far, but I do appreciate your taste.