Lib News Site Proclaims ‘Six Ways To Climate-Proof Your Thanksgiving’

November 24th, 2015 2:12 PM

Leave it to the liberal media to champion climate change for Thanksgiving.

On Tuesday, Think Progress listed the “‘Six Ways To Climate-Proof Your Thanksgiving.” Climate reporter Samantha Page offered tips to for “die-hard climate activist[s]” for Thanksgiving, when there are “emissions-heavy activities” and “tables full of food.”

In her story, Page sympathized with her fellow climate activists.

“Figuring out just how to reduce your personal carbon impact can be a daunting, and at times, confusing task,” Page began. For example, she said, the King of Sweden recently called to ban bathtubs for the environment. (This is Thanksgiving, but … no thanks, we’ll pass on this one.)

But Thanksgiving, she continued, is a special challenge.

“Getting through Thanksgiving, when emissions-heavy activities like airline travel and tables full of food are the norm,” she continued, “can be a especially tricky for a die-hard climate activist. “

To help such activists, she listed the “six ways to climate-proof”:

  • “Choose your turkey wisely”
  • “Waste not, want not”
  • “Toast these drinks”
  • “Take the bus”
  • “Efficiency is a huge opportunity”
  • “Go ahead, talk about it”

While Page didn’t insist that readers give up their turkey, she urged that the “type of turkey” Americans eat can “go a long way toward reducing your environmental impact” because, for Thanksgiving, “turkey has the biggest environmental impact.”

As proof, she linked to a story published by the Chicago Tribune titled, “Thanksgiving dinner's carbon footprint.”

Page also listed other tips, from cooking with the lid on to getting houses “retrofitted” to reduce carbon footprints.

But even following those tips won’t make Thanksgiving a “carbon-neutral day.” So Page had one more suggestion for “bigger climate returns.”

“Maybe your family or friends don’t believe in climate change,” she wrote. “Convincing just one person to reduce her carbon footprint doubles what you can do on your own.”

UPDATE: Think Progress later changed its headline to read "6 Steps to a Climate-Friendly Thanksgiving."