Salon: Republican Party Presidential Nominees are ‘Stolidly Faith-Deranged Candidates’

September 28th, 2015 3:48 PM

Liberals trashing on religion goes together like Monday morning and coffee: it’s just the norm. From the momentous visit to America by Pope Francis to the recent CNN Republican debate where some candidates had the audacity to mention their personal religious convictions, faith and religion has been just too prevalent these days for some lefties.

Jeffry Taylor of Salon is one. “These are trying times for rationalist rejecters of make-believe celestial tyrants and human-authored ‘magic’ books,” he wrote on Sunday. According to Taylor, all these “religious delusions” are killing right-wingers and everyone else, and journalists are not doing their part to call out the insanity.

Many Americans were overjoyed by Pope Francis’ historic visit to the Capitol to address Congress. Most were at least respectful. Taylor was unimpressed:

 A paunchy old man in a white frock and beanie (aka Pope Francis), who happens to preside over an obscenely wealthy institution (the Catholic Church) riddled with practicing child molesters, flies to the world’s first secular republic and receives not torrents of abuse and cries for impeachment, but a reception befitting a head of state (which he is, thanks only to the fascist government of Mussolini and the Lateran Treaty).

Taylor attacked Francis for lauding his bishops for their courage and self-criticism in dealing with child abuse cases and then having “the gall to preach about the welfare of children.”

Taylor then turned his focus to Republican Presidential candidates calling them “stolidly faith-deranged”. According to Taylor there is too much tolerance and no pushback from journalists for candidates “prattling on about religious faith – that is, the unethical tradition of believing propositions on the basis of no evidence[.]”

For Taylor, presidential nominees such as Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, and Carly Fiorina need to stop spouting about the Lord if they want to hold the position of highest office in our nation – a “secular republic.”

Not only does having religious convictions seemingly disqualify candidates for high office, but apparently religion is threatening our nation as a whole. “The problem is, though, that the inanities, being allowed to persist, and the piety, tolerated as a matter of course, are threatening the rule of law in our secular republic and destroying what little rational discourse on national affairs we have left[,]” he seethed.

So the very principles integral to the founding of the republic are threatening that republic? Got it.

Taylor is just one more angry lefty pounding his high chair because people he doesn’t like are still allowed in the nursery.