The Week in Media Bias History: Rush Is ‘Edgy,’ Just Like Hitler

October 6th, 2018 12:15 PM
No comparison is too extreme for liberals who hate Rush Limbaugh. On October 5, 2003, CBS Sunday Morning reporter Nancy Giles referred to the conservative radio star as “edgy.” She added, “Hitler would have killed in talk radio. He was edgy, too.” 

The Week in Media Bias History: GOP Delights in ‘Your Dead Corpse!'

September 29th, 2018 12:15 PM
Then-Today co-host Katie Couric was SO excited about the opportunity to bash Ronald Reagan that she mangled a statement by biographer Edmund Morris. Couric opened the September 27, 1999 Today with this: “Good Morning. The Gipper was an airhead!” Two days later, Morris shot this down: “Oh, good God no! He was a very bright man.” 

This Week in Media Bias History: What ‘Brutality’ in North Korea?

September 22nd, 2018 12:15 PM
CNN founder Ted Turner doesn’t think much of conservatives, but he’s got a blind spot to the atrocities in North Korea. On September 19, 2005, Turner appeared on CNN’s Situation Room and talked about his visit to the despotic country. He seemed to excuse the regime, saying, “I saw a lot of people over there. They were thin and they were riding bicycles instead of cars, but... I didn’t see any…

The Week in Media Bias History: Real Threat Is ‘Radical Christianity’

September 15th, 2018 12:15 PM
Rosie O’Donnell is a radical leftist and 9/11 truther conspiracy nut. But for some reason, ABC TWICE made her a co-host of The View. We just observed the 17th anniversary of 9/11 and it’s important to remember this quote from O’Donnell on September 12, 2006: “Radical Christianity is just as threatening as radical Islam in a country like America.” On September 10, 2006, the late Andy Rooney, then…

The Week in Media Bias History: Either You're a Liberal... or a Racist

September 8th, 2018 12:15 PM
Which type of person are you? A liberal... or a racist? That’s the no-win scenario liberal journalist Bryant Gumbel created for conservatives on the September 5, 1989 edition of the Today show.  Speaking of classic liberal bias, remember the late Peter Jennings? The World News Tonight anchor, who was raised in Canada, talked about how own distaste for America: “My mother... was pretty anti-…

The Week in Media Bias History: Mary Jo Would ‘Feel It was Worth It?'

September 1st, 2018 12:15 PM
The level to which some members of the media would go in order to excuse or explain away the reprehensible conduct of Ted Kennedy never ceased to amaze. On August 27, 2009, journalist Melissa Lafsky, who at one time worked for the New York Times’s Freakonomics blog, wrote this about Mary Jo Kopechne, a woman Kennedy left to drown: 

This Week in Media Bias History: A Little Creepier in Retrospect

August 25th, 2018 12:15 PM
Given what we now know about Matt Lauer and his creepy office with an automatic door lock, this August 21, 2000 Today interview with Al Gore looks weirder in retrospect. Lauer repeatedly obsessed over “the kiss” between the then-Vice President and his then-wife Tipper Gore at the 2000 Democratic National Convention: “This is the ‘The Kiss.’... You really planted one on Mrs. Gore.” Lauer was …

The Week in Media Bias History: Obama the ‘Ecstatic Human Achievement'

August 18th, 2018 12:15 PM
Sometimes the journalistic fawning over Barack Obama crossed a line from sycophantic to just plain weird. Such was the case for the August 2011 issue of Esquire, featuring a headline wondering “How can we not love Obama?” Writer Stephan Marche described the Democrat as an “astounding, ecstatic human achievement” and a “world-historical soul.” Okay...

This Week in Media Bias History: Feel Bad About Winning WW II?

August 11th, 2018 12:15 PM
Before he became the disgraced Brian Williams known for making stuff up, the NBC journalist was best known for some outrageous examples of media bias. On August 5, 2005, the then-Nightly News anchor interrogated Enola Gay navigator Dutch Van Kirk about dropping the atomic bomb on Hiroshima: “Do you have remorse for what happened? How do you deal with that in your mind?” 

This Week in Media Bias History: Obama Is ‘Our National Poet’

August 4th, 2018 12:15 PM
The “poet” Obama vs. the “zombie” conservatives? From 2008 through 2016, the contrast between how journalists fawned over Barack Obama and trashed conservatives was pretty clear. On July 28, 2016, New York Times columnist Frank Bruni rhapsodized over Obama: “He’s been more than our president. Time and again, he’s been our national poet.” 

This Week in Media Bias History: Obamas Are ‘Perfect’ and ‘Immaculate’

July 28th, 2018 12:15 PM
It seems as though Chris Matthews never lost the “thrill” up his leg. Seven and a half years after that infamous comment, the Hardball host reflected on Barack Obama’s presidency. On July 22, 2015, Matthews gushed: over the “immaculate,” “perfect” Democrat: “He's been immaculate in the presidency. Nobody has accused him of any corruption. His kids are perfect. His wife is perfect.” 

The Week in Media Bias History: Pro-Choice Clinton Deserves Oral Sex

July 21st, 2018 12:15 PM
Some quotes need no introduction because they are just so shocking. On July 20, 1998, Time contributor Nina Burleigh  said this of Bill Clinton: “I would be happy to give him a blow job just to thank him for keeping abortion legal. I think American women should be lining up with their presidential kneepads on to show their gratitude." 

The Week in Media Bias History: Diane’s Late Night Dream About Clinton

July 14th, 2018 12:15 PM
Some liberal journalists don’t just love Democratic politicians, they dream about them. On July 10, 2001, ABC’s Diane Sawyer gushed: “After pepperoni pizza and a banana milkshakes once, I dreamed about Bill Clinton.” Liberal journalists have proven, again and again, that there is nothing too horrible to be said about a prominent conservative. On July 7, 1991, then-Washington Post columnist Carl…

This Week in Media Bias History: Don’t Forget U.S. ‘Genocide'

July 7th, 2018 12:15 PM
If any cable network knows how to ruin a great American holiday, it’s MSNBC. On July 1, 2012, then-host Melissa Harris-Perry celebrated the Fourth of July by reminding everyone of the “imperialism, the genocide, the slavery.” Speaking of Independence Day, well-known fabricator Brian Williams in 2005 compared the hostage-takers in Iran to the Founding Fathers: “The first several U.S. Presidents…