JD Vance DESTROYS The Regime Media’s ‘Trumpwashing’ of Springfield Story

Jorge Bonilla
September 15th, 2024 3:30 PM

GOP vice presidential nominee and Ohio Senator JD Vance went on the Regime Media’s Sunday public affairs shows and utterly dismantled them for their lack of coverage of the stress that the Biden-Harris administration’s immigration policies have placed upon such towns as Springfield, Ohio, until a Trump-adverse angle can be exploited.

Watch as Vance exposes the practice during a fiery interview with CNN’s Dana Bash (click “expand” to view transcript):

DANA BASH: You, again, started this in part by saying that at which Donald Trump repeated on the debate stage, that- and he didn't say anything about the policies that you're talking about. He just said, "Haitians are eating dogs and cats”. Can you affirmatively say now that that is a rumor that has no base- basis with evidence? 

JD VANCE: Dana, the evidence is the firsthand account of my constituents who are telling me that this happened. And by the way, I've been trying to talk about the problems in Springfield for months, and the American media ignored it. There was a congressional hearing, just last week, of Angel Moms who lost children because Kamala Harris let criminal migrants into this country who then murdered their children. The American media totally ignored this stuff until Donald Trump and I started talking about cat memes. If I have to- if I have to…

BASH: But it wasn’t just a meme. 

VANCE: …create stories so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, then that's what I'm going to do, Dana, because you guys are completely letting Kamala Harris coast. You had one interview with her. You talk about pushing back against me, Dana, you didn't push back against the fact that she cast the deciding vote on the Inflation Reduction Act, which is why a lot of Americans can afford food and housing. 

BASH: You just said that you’re creating a story.

VANCE: We ought to be talking about public policy…

BASH: Sir, you just said that you're creating the stories.

VANCE: What’s that, Dana?

BASH: You just said that this is a story that you've created.

VANCE: Yes.  

BASH: So- so, then, the eating dogs and cats thing is not accurate.

VANCE: We are…Dana. It comes from firsthand accounts from my constituents. I say that we're creating a story, meaning we're creating the American media focusing on it. I didn't create 20,000 illegal migrants coming into Springfield thanks to Kamala Harris’s policies. Her policies did that, but yes, we created the actual focus that allowed the American media to talk about this story and the suffering caused by Kamala Harris’s policies.

Bash tried to accuse Vance of making up stuff, to which he clarified that he and Trump created the media’s focus on Springfield by echoing the concerns of his constituents. This exchange is particularly ironic, given the Regime Media’s role in advancing all manner of fabrications from the left, with zero fact-check or context provided. There is no way to sufficiently pause the time and space continuum so as to be able to compile an exhaustive list. However, a more recent curation would include the media’s suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story until Joe Biden magically produced a letter signed by 51 former intel officers calling it Russian disinformation, as well as the media’s furtherance of such hoaxes as “Very Fine People”, “Bloodbath”, and “Suckers and Losers”. 

Over on CBS’s Face the Nation, host and vice presidential debate moderator Margaret Brennan took an angle heavy on Republican appeals to authority (click “expand” to view transcript):

MARGARET BRENNAN: I know the mayor of Springfield, a Republican, told ABC News: “we've been punched in a way we should not have been punched”. He said, “All these federal politicians that have negatively spun our city- they need to know they're hurting our city and it was their words who did it”. Your words, sir. Do you regret them?

VANCE: Margaret, we've been hearing about these problems for months, even in some cases for years, and the problem here is not that Donald Trump and I have called out what’s happened to Springfield. We’ve heard from so many constituents who are thankful…but Margaret… 

BRENNAN: No, I'm talked about the problems and citing Governor DeWine saying there are legitimate problems. I’m not asking about that. We have documented that. I'm asking about your words, Sir. Which you are responsible for.

VANCE: But Margaret, you only documented it after Donald Trump called attention to it. And so, look. With all respect to the Springfield, mayor…

BRENNAN: You tweeted, September 9th…

VANCE: …we’ve heard from many people in his town who are grateful. Who are grateful, Margaret, for the fact that we are now talking about these problems and trying to solve them. We don't want anything bad to happen to Springfield, but the worst thing that’s happened to Springfield in the last 20 years is that Kamala Harris allowed 20,000 migrants to be dropped on the front door with no plan to assimilate them, no plan to care for them, no plan to help the residents deal with the massive strain on social services. I understand. Look, I talked to a lot of people in Springfield, people are frustrated with the national media attention, some people are also grateful that finally, someone is paying attention to what’s going on. You’re never going to get this stuff perfect, Margaret, but that’s why Kamala Harris shouldn't have done this in the first place. These people are suffering because she didn't do her job.

VANCE: Again, the Springfield mayor is a Republican. That’s who I was quoting to you. Yesterday you posted a video, the origins of which CBS cannot confirm, claiming Africans are grilling cats in Dayton. Haiti’s not Africa, Dayton’s not Springfield, but putting all that aside- what is your intent in furthering the focus on these people? You're not talking about how to surge federal funds to help with safety, hospitals and schools. You're talking about this.

VANCE: Margaret, is your argument really that it’s a huge difference if migrants are grilling cats 20 miles away from Springfield rather than downtown Springfield, and would it change if the video was 20 miles closer to where these things allegedly occurred? My point here is that the American media ignores these stories. Everybody who has dealt with a large influx of migration knows that sometimes there are cultural practices that seem very far out there to a lot of Americans. Are we not allowed to talk about this in the United States of America, Margaret? Because the American media is more interested in fact checking innocent people begging for relief than they are in investigating some of these claims. I'm going to talk about what my constituents are sending me. That video was actually filmed by a constituent. That video was filmed by a person who is worried about what is going on in these communities. I'm going to talk about it because that’s what I need to do as a United States Senator for Ohio- is represent Ohio and actually make sure that people’s concerns get their voice.

100% this comes up during the vice presidential debate, which will be hosted by CBS. Near-100% likelihood this is the first question, because the Regime Media can’t help themselves.

Finally, NBC’s Kristen Welker took a pass on NBC’s Meet the Depressed, attempting to shame Vance with an old tweet (click “expand” to view transcript):

KRISTEN WELKER: There was a lot of attention, as you know, this week on former President Trump's baseless claims about migrants eating pets in Springfield, Ohio. Claims you first shared online, Senator, earlier this week. Local authorities now say there have been no credible reports of migrants hurting pets or animals and in fact, neo-nazis are now taking credit, frankly, for pushing these rumors mainstream. Why are you continuing to double and triple down on these baseless claims?

JD VANCE: Well- two important points here, Kristen. First of all, I have heard first hand from multiple constituents, people who made 911 calls a month ago, a year ago who are making these complaints. I trust my constituents more than I do the American media that have shown no interest in what’s happened in Springfield until we started sharing cat memes on the internet, which is disgraceful that the American media ignored this town. And that’s the most important part. Kamala Harris’s open border, Kristen, has led to skyrocketing housing costs in Springfield. Rising rates of crime. Rising rates of communicable diseases. They have dropped 20,000 immigrants into a town of 40,000 and it's caused a coast(sic) of social problems. And we should be talking about why Kamala Harris has done this to this small town and the media and the Democrats ignored it for an entire year. Kristen, I was talking about this on the Senate Banking Committee months ago, nobody would pay attention to it until we started sharing the 911 calls of people in Springfield saying the migrants are eating the geese. I think that’s really shameful that no one cared about it or paid attention to it.

The American media, intent on suppressing or otherwise omitting stories unfavorable to the Regime, has steadfastly refused to cover the effects of the current administration’s border policies across America. Whether we are talking about migrants violently taking over apartment complexes in Colorado, raping and murdering girls in Texas, criming in New York City, or straining small towns such as Springfield.

These stories do not generally see the light of day unless there is some Trump-negative angle to focus on, thus removing spotlight from the Biden-Harris administration. It is this Trumpwashing of inconvenient stories, as seen in how Springfield is covered, that Senator Vance has exposed across the dial today.