
NBC Tries To Cheap-Shot Florida And Gov. DeSantis, Fails Miserably

May 30th, 2024 12:04 AM

NBC Nightly News, apparently having nothing else with which to fill nearly 3 minutes, decided to fart out a report that serves little purpose except to bash an old rival, Gov. Ron DeSantis, and cast the State of Florida in a negative light.


DeSantis-Deranged Joyless Reid Wants To Speak To Florida’s Manager

May 23rd, 2024 11:50 PM

MSNBC’s Joy Reid briefly deviated from the network’s usual offerings, onanistic wall-to-tall Trump trial coverage, in order to return to her traditional bailiwick. That is, the viewing of everything through the lens of race, and an unhealthy obsession with Florida.


CNN Cheers Meteorologist Who Told Viewers To Vote Against DeSantis

May 22nd, 2024 4:39 PM

On Wednesday's CNN News Central, hosts Boris Sanchez and Jessica Dean, along with chief climate correspondent Bill Weir, applauded NBC Miami meteorologist Steve MacLaughlin’s recent plea that people help fix climate change by voting against Gov. Ron DeSantis.

Fla. Heartbeat Act Goes Into Effect: Pro-Lifers Rejoice

May 2nd, 2024 2:38 PM

The Florida Heartbeat Protection Act, protecting babies with detectable heartbeats from abortion, has gone into effect. The act prevents abortions for babies around six weeks old, potentially saving 50,000 lives annually. Exceptions include instances where the mother's life is at risk, in the case of a fatal prenatal diagnosis, or cases of rape, incest, or human trafficking. The law has…

Nets Fret Over FL Curbing ‘Abortion Care’, Cheer It as ‘Key’ to 2024

May 1st, 2024 4:26 PM

On Wednesday, the “big three’ of ABC, CBS, and NBC had full stories on their flagship morning news shows to reiterate their joy over Biden regime being so “eager” to make “abortion care” “front and center in the fight for the White House” and “drive voters to the polls” with the latest case being the focus on Florida’s six-week pro-life law being “one of the strictest abortion bans in the…


Join the Biden Campaign: ABC’s Bruce Celebrates Biden Pushing Abortion

April 23rd, 2024 3:44 PM

Another day, another act of Biden campaign propaganda. As we’ve seen day after day, ABC’s Good Morning America openly and unapologetically ate out of the hand of the Biden press office with a full report on the regime’s preferred topic of the day. On Tuesday, it was chief White House correspondent and chief Biden apple polisher Mary Bruce cheering Biden traveling to Florida to…


NOW You Like Him? ABC Hails DeSantis for Cracking Down on Retail Theft

April 12th, 2024 4:20 PM

Exactly two weeks after Disney more or less cried uncle and agreed to a settlement with the State of Florida in its lawsuit over the Parental Rights in Education bill and a few months after Governor Ron DeSantis’s (R-FL) presidential campaign came to an end, Disney-owned ABC had a surprisingly laudatory segment on Thursday’s Good Morning America as they praised DeSantis for “com[ing]…


PBS Host Favorably Quotes Trump to Own a Florida Pro-Life Leader!

April 5th, 2024 5:34 PM

On Tuesday, PBS NewsHour interviewed a pro-life activist. But that’s not the term anchor Geoff Bennett wanted to use. He said "anti-abortion" over and over. He also favorably quoted Donald Trump saying a six-week abortion ban as "a terrible thing and a terrible mistake." 


Telemundo Was ONLY Newscast to Cover the End of Disney vs. DeSantis

March 28th, 2024 12:39 AM

The corporate media placed themselves on the side of the sexualization of our children in schools and in opposition to Florida’s Parental Rights in Education Act, referring to the statute not by its name but by the term coined by the rainbow mafia- “Don’t Say Gay”. They then fawned over Disney’s decision to sue the state over revocation of its exclusive government entity. But only Telemundo…


Fla. ‘All-Ages’ Pride Event: Rainbow Penises & Bouncing Boobies

March 25th, 2024 1:15 PM

An event hosted by Tampa Pride in Florida has received criticism for inappropriate adult content despite being advertised as family-friendly. The event featured sexually explicit individuals and the sale of erotic merchandise, including sex toys. A video showcasing the explicit content was shared by Gays Against Groomers, a group arguing that pride is not suitable for children.


NPR Reporter Says DeSantis Law's 'Gutted' AND 'Very Much In Effect'

March 16th, 2024 6:40 AM

On the PBS NewsHour on Thursday night, they turned to Danielle Prieur, a reporter for NPR station WMFE in Orlando. She couldn’t make up her mind on what had happened: The law was both “gutted” and “very much in effect” at the same time.


NBC Frets End of FL Spring Break Chaos Is ‘Devastating for Business’

March 11th, 2024 1:10 PM

Like the rest of the liberal media, NBC News was a reliable ally over and over again for the pro-lockdown crowd during the coronavirus pandemic, but as we saw on Monday’s Today, the network believes something entirely different when it comes to common sense law enforcement measures during spring break in South Florida to counter what had been years of chaos and violence.


Elementary Principal Supports Sexually Explicit Book for Students

February 16th, 2024 11:46 AM

A Florida assistant principal, Garrett Jones, sparked controversy by affirming his belief that it's appropriate for elementary students to read about pornography and dirty magazines in a school setting.


PolitiFact: Don't Blame Mayorkas For Fentanyl, But Gender Can Change

February 14th, 2024 3:34 PM

It is a commonly accepted axiom that in politics the buck stops with the president or, if you like, his cabinet, but for PolitiFact applying this standard to the border and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is “false.” At the same time, PolitiFact will go to great lengths to insist that gender is something completely different from sex.