Anderson Cooper on His 'Planet in Peril': 'We Have No Agenda' Really?

October 9th, 2007 5:35 PM

CNN’s Anderson Cooper appearing on "The View" to promote his special "Planet in Peril." At the outset, Cooper claimed the series has no political agenda.

"There’s a lot of politics surrounding it, a lot of arguments surrounding it. But we just want to look at the facts. There’s no agenda. There’s no- we’re not trying to- we’re not advocates for any cause. We’re basically just looking at facts and letting viewers make up their own minds."

Really? Later in the segment it sure looked like it did. Co-host Joy Behar asked what can be done. The CNN anchor noted to save the environment, we need "major policy decisions."

JOY BEHAR: Whenever I see these types of films, even like Al Gore’s film, which was brilliant, "The Inconvenient Truth" (sic). But I never know, what am I supposed to do? I mean, besides vote for people who are pro-environment, and who don’t vote against, you know, environmental laws, what else can the average person do? It upsets me to see polar bears disappearing.

COOPER: You know, there’s a lot of things people can do. They can make changes in their own lives, which will contribute, but a lot of these changes that we’re talking about, a lot of the things that scientists say need to be done are huge massive changes, which are beyond just one individual. We’re talking about-

BEHAR: Policy.

COOPER: Yeah, major policy decisions.

That sounds like an agenda, and not exactly "looking at the facts" and "letting viewers make up their own minds."