Testicular-Challenged Dems Drive Ed Schultz Nuts

February 9th, 2010 8:42 AM

Now the Democrats have gone and done it. And what resulted wasn't pretty.

Here's libtalker Ed Schultz on his radio show Friday, obsessing on Democrats' acquiescence to the GOP and his diagnosis for what's needed to turn this around (click for audio here) --

SCHULTZ: It's time for the Democrats to grow a pair. That was the theme of one of my segments last night, although I couldn't say it exactly that way.

Less than a minute later, more along the same lines (audio here) --

SCHULTZ: So this theme yesterday that Mr. Harry Reid, who I'm starting to think needs to step aside as the leader in the Senate. Either that or grow a pair.

Again, within a minute, here initially referring to Manny's Steakhouse in Minneapolis (audio here) --

SCHULTZ: So you go into Manny's and they got a picture of a big-ass bull. And that bull's got a pair. You know what I'm saying? You can see the pair right there. I mean, that bull's ready to reproduce. That bull's ready to go through the fence, through the barnyard, through the grain bin. I mean, that bull's ready to go. He's got a pair. His name ain't Harry Reid.

Yet again, less than a minute later (audio here) --

SCHULTZ: But my mission here the next few weeks is, Harry, you need to get off the dime. You need to grow a pair, tell us you have a pair, and tell the Republicans where to stick it.

Hmm, tell Republicans where to stick your pair? Schultz, having fastened on his theme of the day, wasn't about to loosen his grip. More all of ten minutes later (audio here) --

SCHULTZ: Yeah, go to, Google Manny's Steakhouse there and look at that bull on there. Now this is a rumor. This is just a rumor. I heard this, I haven't verified it. But apparently when the owner of the restaurant wanted to put this bull on there and the guy, you know, painted the picture of the bull, the rumor is that he brought it in and showed it to him and he said, his balls aren't big enough. You gotta make 'em bigger. And so the guy went back and he redid the picture and you look at Manny's Steakhouse there, that bull, that bull's got a pair. So, I know it's a little bit easier than just, or should I say, it's quite a bit tougher than just drawing a painting. But how do we get the Democrats to grow a pair?

Eight minutes later, while talking with Huffington Post reporter Sam Stein (audio here) --

SCHULTZ: Harry (Reid) is not that bull at Manny's restaurant. He doesn't have a pair.

Within the next minute, Schultz vents on the consequences of Democrats lacking testicular fortitude (audio here) --

SCHULTZ: The Democrats right now are doing irreparable damage to their reputation and their inability to govern by acting like a bunch of weenies and playing footsy with the Republicans! They, they, they are nutless! They are neutered! They're, god, they won't reproduce more Democrats because they have no, they can't, Sam, they can't, it's not in them anymore. It's not there. It doesn't exist. They've lost their personality.

All but Barbara Boxer. But I digress.

And once more for good measure, in the third and final hour of his radio show Friday while talking with a caller (audio here) --

SCHULTZ: Oh I agree, I agree. That's why I started this program, Harry's gotta grow a pair.

But not Schultz. Obviously not. He must have been the model for Manny's bull.