Jim Pinkerton: 'Hats Off To Rusty Weiss At NewsBusters'

Noel Sheppard
December 16th, 2009 1:51 PM

NewsBuster Rusty Weiss was praised on Saturday by "Fox News Watch" regular Jim Pinkerton.

The program began with host Jon Scott talking about President Obama's declining poll numbers, and how White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs spun them last week claiming, "I don't put a lot of stake in, never have in the EKG that is the daily Gallup trend." 

Scott then passed the baton to Pinkerton who marvelously said, "[H]ats off to Rusty Weiss at NewsBusters who pointed out that back in February, when the Gallup poll showed enormous support for the stimulus package, the same guy, Robert Gibbs, was delighted to flap that as proof for what a great policy he had" (video embedded below the fold with partial transcript):

JON SCOTT, HOST: Eleven months into his term, the president's approval rating tipped to 47 percent in the latest Gallup poll. That puts President Obama on the low end of the scale compared with other presidents at this point in their terms, including President's Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter and George W. Bush.

When questioned about the number, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said, quote, "I tell you, if I was a heart patient and Gallop was my EKG, I'd visit my doctor. If you look back, I think, five days ago, there was an 11-point spread. Now there's a 1 point spread. I mean, I'm sure a six-year-old with a crayon can do something not unlike that. I don't put a lot of stake in, never have in the EKG that is the daily Gallup trend."

Gallup none too happy about those comments. Editor in chief, Frank Newport responded, "Gibbs said if Gallup were an EKG, he would visit his doctor. Well, I think the doctor might ask him what's going on in his life that would cause his EKG to be fluctuating so much."

Jim, you have worked in the White House, you know how the spin goes on things like that.


Are they really paying attention to these polls?


SCOTT: Or...

PINKERTON: I can answer that question. Yes, they're paying very close attention. and they are trying to dismiss this poll, just as fluctuations, but - and the media basically accepted it, except for, hats off to Rusty Weiss at News Busters who pointed out that back in February, when the Gallup poll showed enormous support for the stimulus package, the same guy, Robert Gibbs, was delighted to flap that as proof for what a great policy he had. Again, as always with this business, live by the sword and die by the sword, although it takes an alert media to call you on the previous whack as opposed to this whack.

Readers are advised to review the Weiss article Pinkerton was referring to, "Robert Gibbs Touts Gallup Numbers When They Support Obama." 

Bravo, Rusty...and thanks, Jim!