CNN's Sanchez Tries Mind Reading

Mike Bates
November 14th, 2008 12:39 PM
Perhaps some in the mainstream media are starting to acquire a few of the Superman qualities enjoyed by The One.  Yesterday on the 3:00 PM edition of CNN Newsroom, anchor Rick Sanchez demonstrated his impressive mind-reading abilities.  He had shown a clip of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin speaking.  Discussing her presentation with a panel of guests, he - as anchors are wont to do - moved the conversation into a direction he preferred:
SANCHEZ: Well, let's talk about this, too, because I think this is important. You know, a lot of people are watching at home and they listen to her speak and they're thinking, why don't I understand what she's saying? Is there a syntax problem here?

In fact, we've got one now. This is MySpace, right? Yes. This is a MySpace comment that just came in moments ago. Have you got that, Robert?

"Oh, my God. She did not talk about Joe -- not the plumber. I get confused trying to listen and understand what she's talking about." She says, "I feel dumber and dumber by the second."

You know, I mean it's not to pick on her, but there are people who get that perception from her. Adam, do you think she's held her own in terms of knowing what she's talking about in the public forum?
How in the world does he know that "a lot of people are watching at home and they listen to her speak and they're thinking, why don't I understand what she's saying?"  Or did he base that on the weight of one, count 'em one, MySpace comment?  

I'm going to use my own mind-reading skills and conjecture that it's Sanchez who doesn't understand Sarah Palin.  More precisely, it's her obvious popularity with much of the American public that he can't fathom.  Not that he's picking on her or anything.

Forewarned is forearmed, so I hope that the CNN anchor's regular viewers will protect themselves with aluminum foil hats so he can't read their minds.  On second thought, perhaps they already exercise that precaution.