Chris Matthews Makes Sexist Remarks to John and Elizabeth Edwards

Noel Sheppard
December 13th, 2006 11:26 AM

One of the more interesting double standards in the media and politics is how folks on the left are allowed to make sexist remarks – or, in the case of a former president, exhibit obviously sexist behavior – with total impunity. Yet, the same actions by someone on the right will be met with so much scorn as to threaten the individual’s career.

A fine example of this occurred on Tuesday’s “Hardball” when host Chris Matthews made some extraordinarily sexist comments to former Senator John Edwards and his wife Elizabeth. So as not to offend anyone, the partial transcript of this exchange follows in the “Read More” section. Furthermore, the must-see video is available here:

ELIZABETH EDWARDS: There are not that many politicians who are actually very good at jokes. John spoke one time and I said I wouldn`t even go because it was -- he was supposed to be funny and I didn`t think he could carry it off.


MATTHEWS: I love it. You`re great. Behind every great man, there`s a woman trying to kill him.


E. EDWARDS: He has great characteristics.

MATTHEWS: What is it? Does she do this? Does she bust your balls like this when you come home? When you get (INAUDIBLE), does she do that?


E. EDWARDS: My children are watching this.


MATTHEWS: What`s this with the equal marriages? Why do people marry their equals? It used to be different? What happened to the Stepford wives, the good old days? What happened?


MATTHEWS: Oh, how P.C. How -- why don`t you hiss? Oh, thank you. Finally, the freaking hiss. I needed it. It was the hiss. I needed that.

E. EDWARDS: You know have to know how smart his wife is in order to...

MATTHEWS: Let me ask you this. This is...

Now, just imagine if Sean Hannity or Bill O’Reilly said this to a Democrat Senator and his wife. How quickly would the National Organization of Women and the ACLU be filing lawsuits against Fox News?

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