Ed Schultz Wonders If Obama Is 'Still Alive'

July 9th, 2010 9:04 AM

Perry Cobama?

One of the great comedy bits from the classic SCTV show was a skit satirizing an ultra relaxed and disengaged Perry Como singing "Still Alive" in a most lackadaisical manner. And now we have MSNBC host Ed Schultz wondering aloud on his radio show if Barack Obama is "Still Alive." Here is a transcript of Schultz commenting on Obama's detachment to the extent that Big Ed isn't even sure he wants to run for president again:

Now it pains me, this is not a compliment, it is an observation, Bush just always kept coming at us. And as a liberal, every time I turned around this guy was coming at me. Bush was always uptempo and Bush was always enthusiastic and I did, I guess it is a compliment, I did somewhat say, you know, that guy, he keeps going after it, whether it's conviction or show time or whatever it is, however you want to view it. But President Obama in this commercial that Boehner put out left me with the impression, you know, I wouldn't be surprised if this guy decides on his own he doesn't want to run again.

...I have a sense that he's thinking, you know what, maybe this isn't my gig. Maybe this is just a huge pain in the ass. Maybe, maybe I'm not the guy.

Maybe Obama is just coasting through the presidency, ignoring the Gulf oil crises in favor of golfing and attending fundraisers. His bizarre detachment from the actual duties of the presidency has reached such a level that even leftwingers as Ed Schultz are commenting on it.

And in case you're wondering, the real life Perry Como loved the SCTV "Still Alive" parody.

H/T: The Radio Equalizer